Telecommunications Service Priority Program

The Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) Program is a Ferderal Program used to identify and prioritize telecommunications services that support National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) missions. NS/EP services are defined as those telecommunications services that are used to maintain a state of readiness or respond to and manage any event or crisis which causes or could cause injury or harm to the population, damage or loss to property, or degrades or threatens the NS/EP posture of the United States. TSP status provides eligible end-users with restoration and/or provisioning priority after a service outage or to institute service.

Those customers that believe they are eligible to receive TSP priority status must request this status from the National Communications System (NCS) Office of Priority Telecommunications (OPT). The contact information for the NCS is as follows:

Telephone: 703-607-4932
Fax: 703-607-4937
Mail: Manager, National Communications System
Attn: Office of Priority Telecommunications
701 South Court House Road
Arlington, VA 22204-2198